Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The World I Live In

I'm confused and the looks I get when I express how I imagine my life in years to come receives looks just as confused as I am. Single parent households are rising, my generation of millennials are deemed to either have babies too early or get married too early. So it seems that even if I do happen to run into the man of my dreams, his plans of getting married with children may not fit the picture I envision. We may not get married, we might not have children, we may not even stay together judging the statistics of divorce. With that being the case, it surprises me that it surprises others hear me say my goals are as big as they are because I have always assumed that I'd be a single mother.

How can I assume anything when ties to anyone are consistently viewed in temporary terms?Nothing lasts forever and with the sanctity of marriage being rooted in til' death do us part, I can't help but have a fear of commitment.

I can't commit to you. I can't take your last name. I refuse to give up my identity only to scramble to regain it in the long run. It cannot be me and you, but statistically speaking I'd rather wait for us to refer to my future children and I. Let's not get carried away. I work too hard on my own to lose it because of someone else's carelessness. Plans are nothing, but planning is everything.

Wale was Right.

Friend of mine,

Did you know that we are probably meant to be?
Probably fit more perfectly than we could ever imagine.
Somehow everyone sees it but us.
Everyone accepts us but us.

Why look any deeper into something already affirmed?
I'm not used to this.
I'm not used to viewing you like this.
Love is a mutual engagement..
So yes, I love you.
But not in a way that others assume.

Why make something so simple so difficult?
I don't ask for promises.
I don't believe in them.
I prefer that you stay close enough that this friendship never fades,
Far enough that this relationship never spills over our comfort zones.

No promises, just an agreement that support is much more needed than physical desires.
That this love is rooted in friendship.
And although its hidden in lust.
That platonic shit is just for T.V. shows anyways.