Saturday, July 30, 2016


I've grown accustomed
To this feeling.

That feeling
When you find the perfect key
Its fits into the keyhole

Then suddenly you discover
That the lock will just won't click for you.

That door just isn't open for you.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

For Goodness Sake, Think!

Get off your high horse
Stop trying to look between closed lines
Examine what is in front of you.

No matter the vagueness of the message.
No matter the frankness of the content.
It is no one's fault

If your interpretations,
Your inferences,
Your responses
Are flawed.

Thursday, July 7, 2016


Vulnerability captures the attention of the devoted
Strength attracts the attention of the weak.

With strength as my image
Vulnerable as my truth
When at my lowest
I pretended to be strong
Only to meet one
Who would merely break me down.

With vulnerability as my image
Strength as my truth
When at my highest
I accepted the fluctuation of my spirit
And embraced my own self.