Sunday, March 5, 2017


I have come to see that the more I seek the more I fail to see that what I am looking for is right in front of me. Oddly enough I must look deep within myself for answers I presumed to lie elsewhere. My biggest dissatisfaction is erected from my own failure to acknowledge my intuition.

But it disturbs me that the harder I go searching the more the answers become disguised. It's as if they become entangled in what I would like them to be instead of what they actually are. What they are meant to be. It's the overthinking that's at the root of the issue that occurs.

I do not believe in coincidences. I know that there is a reason behind everything. Things do not just fall in place unless we are speaking in terms of astrology. I can not predict the forces of the universe. I can not sit idle, as if that which could and that which would, will and can.

Mindful of my energy, mindful of my body, the most important piece to completing these actions; uncovering what I wish to discover, is to be in tune with all that embodies me; the soul.

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