Not sure if I can find the words to describe what's been transpiring over these last few weeks. One thing for sure is that if I can't find the words then that means I need to do more reading. They're somewhere. The words. They're somewhere in a book, an article, even possibly a Facebook post. Searching for truth has been feeling more like a chore than some organic relationship I have with the universe.
Allowed myself to feel a little less and a little more lately in certain circumstances. Accept things for what they are and try to devise the best solutions to make things better instead of dwelling on past mistakes and punishing myself for being a flawed individual.
The search or rather the journey for truth begins and ends with the individual. I keep that in mind while I purge certain energies. I keep that in mind when it is my energy being purged from another. I just keep in mind, people will never remember what we said but they will always remember how we made them feel (how our words affected them because no one can MAKE us feel, we allow ourselves to.)