Saturday, August 24, 2019


I continue to come to the realization that I was raised differently. That I've turned out very peculiar compared to others, even among those of the same demographics. I was raised to be impressed by books, to be frank. Impressed by knowledge and wealth; not riches and fancy words if you're picking up what I'm putting down. Resilience, humbleness, confidence, observance all very much stressed to me as a child. Words followed by actions and then possibly more words depending on the actions; a cycle nonetheless. It's okay to admit that life doesn't turn out well for everyone. What makes it even better, is admitting that people's lives are what they are because of their own lack of awareness. It's not really a positive or negative aspect. It is just the truth. Sincerely wished that more people weren't so in desperate need of instant gratification and the choice to be ignorant and complacent with that. It's a tad disgusting when I meet these individuals. You take a good look and you wonder how they don't see why they're life progresses and transgresses so often and in such ugly ways. But to be short, if you're looking for someone to blame; blame your mammy and pappy. Whoever they may be.

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