Its plausible that this era of time is overburdened with individuals seeking instant gratification. The comprehension of life as a process is sparse. Not to mention, discipline is low, effort and consistency seemingly nonexistent in virtually all generations. The family structure, to be frank, sucks.
It is already enough to be who "someone" this society without the problematic energies of others rustling up controversy in the most aggravating ways. Creating obstacles in the journey of Me to I. It seems the effect of this is over time, people expect everything for doing nothing. When the world says what do you have to offer, they state themselves. But how can you offer yourself, when you've spent no time with yourself? How can you pretend that you are almighty for looks, when beneath the shallow surface you have nothing to show for yourself? Even if these victories are small or personal, where are they? When it's time to discuss, not to brag but to celebrate, there still continues to be an awkward silence that daunts me.
Its harmful to be around. For your own sake. This energy that's given off. Let's take for the instance, you hear all these claims that public school education does not give children the skills they need to thrive in society. Lets say for instance that this is true, that the curriculum are not helpful. Then what is the suggested replacement. They claim, for example, "We don't need Algebra or Geometry, we need personal finance, investing, budgeting, taxes, etc." To which my reply is, "Perhaps if you knew the basic skills needed to exhibit proficiency in personal finance, investing, budgeting, taxes, etc, then you would ask for those specific skills to be taught."
What I wish was more understood is that ideas are abstract. They have no plan, no strategy; they don't have to make sense. Through planning, ideas becomes concepts, goals, and expectations. We take something intangible and make it seen tangibly. Ideas mean nothing without strategy and execution.
People want skills to complete processes but lack the initiative to build the foundation to be proficient at the skills they request taught to them. They scoff at basic algebra and write it off as useless, but can't perform it. Life is not pencil and paper; its verbal word problems. Attaining a high score on a standardized test does not make you an expert at that subject, it just simply means for that moment in time you were proficient. If not practiced, skills will decline.
Really, how hard are you working if you can't see your growth? How hard are you working if when your growth is highlighted, you brush off the acknowledgment and reply that "It's a false claim" all with the idea that average is enough. People have not accepted that mental challenges should not be met with complacency. We are meant to excel much farther than the limits we set for ourselves and those others set for us.
I just want to break barriers. I wish more individuals sought to break barriers.
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